Fighting for Democracy

Location: Monterey, California, United States

Saturday, January 15, 2005

an alternative to high gas prices! Posted by Hello

hmmm, road kill? nah, just my "ferret"! Posted by Hello

Tendu, formerly known as Thunder  Posted by Hello

demon toad!  Posted by Hello

Buffalo Dog Cody, better known as TOAD (from the Wind in the WIllows. Posted by Hello

should i run for office? my better profile! i could run things in washington - a carrot in every bucket! Posted by Hello

all i gotta say is "bush, read my BUTT!" Posted by Hello

all this mudslinging is making me itch! Posted by Hello

don't mean to be "nosey", but have you humans lost your MINDS!  Posted by Hello

hansome, thy name is sani! Posted by Hello

Sani has definite opinions on the qualifications of the current occupant in the white house! Posted by Hello

Nimbus (the wonder horse!) is 23 and totally blind, but LOVES to be ridden - does dressage and trails and anything else his "seeing eye person" asks him to do! Posted by Hello

my kids...Sans Peur (means "without fear", but he is a "chicken"), 16'2" swedish warmblood Posted by Hello