Fighting for Democracy

Location: Monterey, California, United States

Monday, June 12, 2006

make up

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bonnie sleeping!

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george the muenkeey

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tee: i'm OUTTA here!

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toady concerned...


tee and toad in the grass!


Friday, June 09, 2006

more ponies ... sani himself


more ponies ... sani


more ponies...nimbus

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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Thank you very much! Thank you VERY much!!!

I'm ALSO watching YOU!

I'll keep an eye out for ya!

Just Hangin' Out!

Could ya keep it STILL up there???

I'll scratch YOUR back if...

I am SOOOOO outta here!

Don't be a Horse's Ass!

Don't be a Butthead!

Whaddaya MEAN, what's wrong?????

Read my Butt!

I could turn carnivore, ya know!

What a load of....

You are SO full of it!

Don't Make me ANGRY!