Location: Monterey, California, United States

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

No one said it would be easy!

Democracy takes work. This isn't a reality show where the participants take home the prize after thirteen weeks. This great experiment is evolving and sometimes de-volving...but it is ours for life and it is up to us to make it work for our children and their children.

After November 2, 2004, many of us felt that our country had betrayed us. We worked. We turned out the vote. We talked until we were blue - but not blue enough.What happened (leaving computerized machines aside) that puts so many Americans in opposite corners of political turmoil?

This site will be an attempt to look honestly at America and find out what has happened to our country. We have become a nation afraid.

Half our nation fears those who worship a different God, many fear those who love differently than they do, many more fear those who wish us harm. Science has become a dirty word. Liberalism is considered an obscenity! People continue to vote against their own best interests - from jobs to health care. What forces have come into play to create this atmosphere of fear and hate and distrust?

As the weeks go by, this site will exlore how good people have come to stand on opposite sides of the "Great Divide". Unless we can find common ground and mutual respect for our differences, the United States of America may never bridge that chasm. Until we know how it occurred, we cannot begin to repair our divided, shattered nation.

We must find that respect and understanding if we ever hope again to have an America of Hope, an America of Dreams, an America of Courage and Leadership!

I believe in that America. I am willing to fight to find it again. Are you?


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